<Pamela Mandell's>suggestions were. . helpful, considered, and professional. She helped lift the narrative to a higher, clearer, more accessible place. I can earnestly say that without her assistance, I would not have landed the excellent agent I have now. . .She provided the push that made all the difference. I highly recommend her as an editor—almost an accomplice—in your writing endeavors. —Christina Schelsinger, forthcoming memoir

Pamela Mandell, a highly skilled editor. . .appeared in my life at one of my serious low points and gave me encouragement, technical insights, and . . .red-pen editing essential to bring any story to life. She also taught me important lessons about effective writing.—Acknowledgments, Inge: A Girl's Journey Through Nazi Europe by Inge Joseph Bleier and David E. Gumpert

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Pam's questions and comments helped me to correct inconsistencies, empower characters, develop plot, and break the book into chapters.—Acknowledgments, Eva and Henry, A Cape Cod Marriage, by Irene M. Paine

As an editor and teacher that I’ve worked with since the early 2000s, Pam is protective of my own voice and writing style. She is encouraging in a long-term way, beyond one class or one editing session. . . I’m always glad when I’ve had her look at my work.Mary Ann Bragg, short story writer, novelist, journalist

As Author

"Portrait of an Artist: Ray Nolin," Provincetown Art Guide, 2023.https://issuu.com/provincetownartguide/docs/pag23_issuu-2/s/26589208fbclid=IwAR12bNRU1RrBc_qqHNTfQ1Zc6pT0MMzROx5A6r3g1q04GOIfJvdMMzJqqV8

"Joan Didion's Miniature Room: New York City, 2017," FEED, 2.5, May 14, 2021, https://feedlitmag.com/2021/05/14/issue-2-5/.

"This Is What We Are Doing Today: The Noki Trilogy—Part III," La Piccioletta Barca, May 28, 2020, https://picciolettabarca.com/weekly-series/this-is-what-we-are-doing-today/.

"This Day: The Noki Trilogy—Part II," La Piccioletta Barca, May 24, 2020, https://picciolettabarca.com/weekly-series/this-day/.

"Bodies: The Noki Trilogy—Part I," La Piccioletta Barca, May 22, 2020, https://picciolettabarca.com/posts/bodies/.

"Messer Man." Provincetown Arts, 30 (2015/16), pp. 53-54.

"Berry B." Los Angeles Review, 17 (Spring 2015).

"Vermont Studio Visit: Julia Zanes." Art New England, May/June 2015.

"Norma Holt: A Century of Seeing." Provincetown Arts, 29 (2014/15), pp. 70-74.

"The Lives They Loved ('Norma Holt')" New York Times Magazine, December 29, 2013, https://nyti.ms/2L4LSlH

"From Soho to Vermont and Back: The Photography of Zoë Barracano." artscope, March/April 2013.

"Strange and Wondrous: Evie Lovett's Photographic Portraiture." artscope, March/April 2011.

"War and Peace." artscope, November/December 2010, pp. 12-13. 

“Haunted Places and Unsettling Landscapes.” Art New England, June/July 2008, pp. 6, 14.

"Curiosity and the Figure: Richard Pepitone—a Retrospective.” Catalog essay for restrospective exhibition at the Cape Museum of Fine Art, Dennis, MA, 2003.

Writer and Editor, On Equal Ground: Photographs from an Artists' Community at the Tip of Cape Cod, by Norma Holt, Introduction by Sue Harrison, Preface by Eleanor Munro, Essay by Ann Wilson Lloyd, Edited by and Artists' Biographies by Pamela Mandell, Provincetown, MA: Provincetown Art Association and Museum, 2001.

“Lloyd’s Last Laugh: ‘Polter-Zeitgeist’ at the Cape Museum of Fine Arts.” artsMEDIA, December, 1998.

“Gossip: Annoyance, Entertainment & Social Glue,” P’Town Women, II (1998), pp. 24-25.

“What to Remember, What to Forget.” P’Town Girl, 1 (1997), pp.52-53.

“Women & Their Books.”  P’Town Girl, 1 (1997), pp. 54-57.

“Provincetown:  Artists’ Outpost.” artsMEDIA, July/August, 1997, pp. 40-41.

“DNA’s ‘Cloning’ Exhibition.” Script for Christian Science Monitor Radio, June 25, 1997

“Domestic Comfort and Body Parts: An Interview with Jenny Humphreys.” Provincetown Arts, 12 (1996), pp. 82-84.

 “A Beautiful Suffocation: Portia Munson’s Garden.” Provincetown Arts, 12 (1996), pp. 93-94.

 “Ghost Pain.” Cosmos, 4, (1995).

 “Creating Still Life, Portrait of an Artist: T. J. Walton.” Provincetown Magazine, 12 Oct. 1995, p. 43. 

 “A Greening Life, Portrait of a Writer: Melanie Braverman.” Provincetown Magazine, 12 Oct. 1995, p. 25.

 “Portrait of an Artist: Jim Peters.” Provincetown Magazine, 20 July 1995, pp. 35-36.

As Editor

"Provincetown Newlyweds: Excerpt from Threads: A 1960s Pop Art Marriage" by Patty Mucha. Provincetown Arts, 36 (2020/21).

Gone for the Day, Richard Pepitone, Provincetown, MA: Provincetown Public Press, 2013.

Eva and Henry, A Cape Cod Marriage, Authorhouse, 2010.

Mona Lisa's Seduction, b'Evolutionary Books, 2006.

Contributing Editor, James Carey of Loudon 1735-1834: The Pastoral Surroundings of a Country Seat and Baltimore Town. A Suite of Paintings and Drawings by David Brewster, Chesterfield, NH: Prospect Park Press, 2010. Catalog to accompany permanent installation of commissioned work for the John Hopkins Carey Business School, Baltimore, MD.

Contributing Editor, Paradigm Wars: Indigenous Peoples' Resistance to Globalization, Co-edited by Jerry Mander and Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, San Francisco, CA: Sierra Club Books, 2006.

Inge: A Girl’s Journey through Nazi Europe, Inge Joseph Bleier and David E. Gumpert, Grand Rapids, Michigan/Cambridge, UK: William B. Eerdman’s Publishing Company, 2004.